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TikTok Index for August 2021

2021.08.01.01 Illustrations from Clewell (1984) describing floral structure of grasses. To comprehend these plants, we rely on particular terminology

2021.08.01.02 Agalinus buds 8:10 AM – Back to Agalinus – #1 – buds not yet open

2021.08.01.03 Agalinus open flowers 10:20 AM – Agalinus flower watch – Part #2 flowers open

2021.08.01.04 Agalinus watch – Part #a visitor arrives

2021.08.01.05 Agalinus watch Part #4 a bee actively moves from flower to flower

2021.08.01.06 Agalinus watch -Part #5 more video of the visitor

2021.08.01.07 Platanthera chapmanii Another week passed and we’re checking in on the Platanthera chapmanii population. In another week these plants should be approaching peak bloom

2021.08.01.08 Myrica cerifera fruit Bayberry (Myrica cerifera) fruit exude a waxy coating that can be extracted for candle-making. The specific name (cerifera) means “wax bearing”

2021.08.02.01 Water Hyacinth a South American native that became a true pest in warm-climate waterways around the world. It’s charm is part of the problem

2021.08.03.01 Strophostyles flowers Some background on the flowers of Strophostyles helvola, leading to an attempt to capture video of the pollination mechanism

2021.08.03.02 Strophostyles pollination mechanism Another attempt in demonstrating the pollen-delivery mechanism in Strophostyles (SandPea)

2021.08.03.03 Strophostyles pollination mechanism – delivery mechanism

2021.08.03.04 Strophostyles pollination mechanism, demonstrating the basic pollination mechanism

2021.08.03.05 Corrected ID on Kallstroemia  – CORRECTION – the plant I posted as Tribulus recently is in the related genus Kallstroemia. Now I want to see the real Tribulus

2021.08.03.06 Vigna luteola, called Cowpea…. This vining pea covers other vegetation like a miniature Kudzu (which also is a pea)…

2021.08.04.01 Hererotheca subaxillaris first take – misspoken: Now regarded as separate from the related Golden Asters (Chrysopsis), Hererotheca is distinguished as having ‘epappose’ ray flowers://

2021.08.04.02 Ipomoea early AM “First of Two – early AM with Ipomoea imperati – flowers still opening at 8:40″

2021.08.04.03 Ipomoea later AM “Second of Two – Later AM with Ipomoea imperati – nearly 11:00 AM. Wondering if wet pollen is viable and if wet flowers can self”

2021.08.04.04 Heterotheca subaxillaris amended “Reissuing the Heterotheca post – because I repeated a point, but said it backwards. This purges the incorrect repeat…. Jim”

2021.08.05.01 Beans intro “Knowing Beans – A bean or pea seed is an embryonic plant wrapped in a maternal seed coat (testa). Seed imbibe water to hydrate cells for germination”

2021.08.05.02 Beans Kentucky Wonder “The wonders of a Bean – a naturally dehydrated structure with growth potential wrapped in a testa (a seed coat) developed with its siblings in a pod.”

2021.08.05.03 Beans Lima, King “The Lima Bean embryo – part 1”

2021.08.05.04 Beans, Lima, Continued “The “hilum” is simply the scar left on a seed as evidence of its attachment to the placenta via the funiculus – like your navel.”

2021.08.05.05 Beans, 1500 year old “A great speckled bean derived from ancient seed shares its embryological secrets – scars and all.”

2021.08.05.06 Rhododendron serrulatum

2021.08.05.07 Platanthera chapmanii roadside “Thanks to Liberty County road crews for preserving a staggeringly beautiful population of Chapman’s Yellow-fringed orchids in peak bloom”

2021.08.05.08 “Clethra is another plant that evidences the ancient connections between Asian and North American floras. The US is thought to have two native species.”

2021.08.05.09 Lobelia floridana with grasshopper “Lobelia floridana is one of many species in the genus that thrive in standing water. They can persist in very small stands, often just a few plants”

2021.08.05.10 Platanthera chapmanii variation “Platanthera chapmanii is a good species that persists in stable populations, maintaining reproductive isolation through pollination mechanisms”

2021.08.05.11 Platanthera chapmanii and Zigadenus glabberimus as associates “Potential plant habitats can often be indent based on presence of “associates” – other plants that thrive under the same environmental conditions”

2021.08.05.12 Rhexia “Another lovely Rhexia to ponder”

2021.08.05.13 Water lilies in borrow pit

2021.08.06.01  Clethra and Titi in FL 68 South of Wilma “With mid-summer we come to fruiting season. Cliftonia & Cyrilla (related yet very distinct shrubs) make much of the biomass along swampy boundaries.”

2021.08.06.02 Rhexia on 113 W of Wilma. “Rhexia aliphanus (said to have been named for resemblance of its urn-shaped fruit to vessels from Alife, Italy)”

2021.07.06.03 Asclepias on 113 West of Wilma “Asclepias lanceolata flowers throughout the summer in the Florida Panhandle. #asclepias #floridanativeplants

2021.07.06.04 Rhexia on 113 W of Wilma

2021.08.06.05 Young Longleaf Pine stand “A young stand showing growth habit of Longleaf Pine, Pinus palustris”  #pinus #forestry #botany #ecology

2021.08.06.06  Lilium catesbaei on a roadside “The structurally-engaging flower of Lilium catesbaei – looking for info on possible pollinators. #liliumcatesbaei  #floridanativeplants

2021.08.07.01 Crotalaria spectabilis near Wilma, FR 13 “Two problematic exotics – Crotalaria spectabilis (toxic to livestock) and Lygodium japonicum (contaminates pine straw gatherings with spores)”

2021.08.07.02 Tupelo swamp along Kennedy Creek “Tupelo honey has a rich but not overwhelming fragrance and abjures crystallization. Beekeepers bring hives to the swamps during tree flowering”

2021.08.07.03 A wet prairie north of Sumatra on 379 “Boggy grasslands in Pine flatwoods are called “prairies” – but don’t think covered wagons or little houses- these are open, grassy wetlands”

2021.08.07.04 Marshallia on FR 114 “Marshallia is a daisy with broad crown-shaped heads of showy disk flowers, topping a wand-like green stem (therefore, one could say “virgate”) with clasping leaves”

2021.08.08.01 Merrania dissecta in Apalachicola. A member of the Morning Glory family, Merremia dissecta differs from Ipomoea in producing an inflated calyx that folds back as a woody ‘rose’”

2021.08.08.02 Clematis terniflora in Apalachicola “Clematis terniflora is characterized by 4 petal-like sepals. The flowers lack true petals, even though I persist in using that term in describing them”

2021.08.09.01 Trifoliate leaves “Many plants make trifoliate leaves, especially legumes. Some vary leaf form over the growing period. But Poison Ivy invariably has 3 leaflets.”

2021.08.09.02 Papilio visiting Platanthera chapmanii “After 3 hours observation, one clip of Platanthera chapmanii visitation by a Papilio butterfly, which is the normal pollinator of this orchid.”

2021.08.10.01 Germination of ‘Kentucky Wonder’ “Examing germination 4 days after planting hydrated seed. A ‘Kentucky Wonder’ seedling is the first to surface. Note leaves and stem are now green.”

2021.08.11.01 Thunbergera grandiflora “Not listed as invasive in Florida (yet), the dramatic Thunbergia grandiflora makes the Acanthaceae proud. If you grow this, don’t let it out of sight”

2021.08.11.02. LiriodendronLiriodendron tulipifera, native to the Eastern US, and 1 of 8 dominants that E. Lucy Braun listed as defining the Eastern Mixed Mesophytic forest”

2021.08.11.03 Camellia sinensis ‘Dr. Bi’s LSU Tea Plant: “Of course I bought one! How could I resist a plant unlikely to thrive, but so tantalizing?”

 2021.08.12.01 Hibiscus coccineus “Flowers of the native Hibiscus coccineus produce broad, acutely light green sepals that show strikingly agains the carmine-red, spatulate petals”

2021.08.12.02 Ipomoea developing seedling “Post-germination, Beach Morning Glory (Ipomoea imperati) establishes quickly”

2021.08.12.03 Sarracenia flava fruiting “Developing pistils (fruit) of Sarracenia flava show a round warty ovary hidden below the impressive umbrella-like stigmatic structure”

2021.08.12.04 Water Hyacinth “Looking more closely into floral structure and botany of Water Hyacinth – Pontederia crassipes” 

2021.08.12.05 Water Hyacinth “Water Hyacinth is consummately adapted for aggressive vegetative growth, quickly blanketing warm ponds and eddys”

2021.08.13.01 Ipomoea indicaIpomoea indica can be identified (in comparison to I. purpurea) by its lobed leaves and retrorse trichomes”

2021.08.13.02 Gloriosa “Gloriosa lilies could not be more glorious than in this Apalachicola pocket garden….”

2021.08.14.01 Crape Myrtle “The tallest Crape Myrtle I have ever seen! In this area (Tallahassee, FL), Lagerstroemia can grow to surprising tree heights”

2021.08.14.02 Passiflora quadrangularis “Look it up! Passiflora quadrangularis produces a large, edible fruit, handsome simple leaves, and “winged” stems”

2021.08.14.03 Lotus leaf “Lotus (Nelumbo) leaves are rife with lessons, as exemplars of the term “peltate” and originators of hydrophobic epidermal cell spacing”

2021.08.14.04 Mimosa strigulosum “Many legumes produce leaves that are sensitive to touch. The leaves are “bipinnately” compound – which means twice divided into leaflets”

2021.08.14.05 Bees and Salvia ‘Playing the Blues’ (Salvia longispicata x farinacea} “Salvia hybrids become increasingly common as great blue-flowering garden plants- which will make the bees happy.”

2021.08.14.06 Hedychium coronariumHedychium coronarium perfumes gardens and waysides, to the point of excess. The rhizomatous habit means cutting down will not eradicate colonies”

2021.08.14.07 Vernonia giganteaVernonia gigantea brightens Florida hammocks and attracts a range of butterflies.”

2021.08.14.08. Camellia virus “Virus-induced variegation was historically popular with Camellia enthusiasts, who would graft virused scions onto specimens to promote streaked petals”

2021.08.14.09 Pinus glabra “Spruce Pine (Pinus glabra) is uncommon, but merits greater landscape use for its densely rich green foliage. It’s curious cones resemble spruce cones.”

2021.08.15.01 Clewell’s Sympetalous corollas illustrations “A picture can help condense many words into a single term”

2021.08.16.01 Rainfall from Fred “Tropical Storm Fred brings rain to end a 3-day drought on St George. In a couple of days the roads will again dawn dusty as deep sands drain”

2021.08.16.02 Post-Fred “A storm (this time it was “Fred”) passes St George to rage elsewhere. We heave a sigh while others gird up their loins”

2021.08.17.01 Bacopa caroliniana “At Howard Creek landing we found a nice growth of Bacopa caroliniana, a wet-area Scroph that looks (and smells) like a mint. It is used in aquaria”

2021.08.17.02 Tupelo fruit “Tropical Storm Fred caused a windfall of Tupelo fruit (drupes) here at the Howard Creek landing”

2021.08.17.03 Highway verges “The wildflower grim reaper – we need to do better”

2021.08.17.04 The swamp “Discard thoughts of swamps as morose or gloomy – this creek meeting the Dead Lakes and Chipola River makes for a beautiful passing”

2021.08.17.05 Hibiscus militaris “Gaskin Park, near Wewahitchka, marks the near melding of rivers that form the Apalachicola – home of Hibiscus militaris popns”

2021.08.18.01 ScopariaScoparia dulcis (though I continue to say “Scoparius”) – another un-prepossessing roadside herb of tropical origin – note variability in petal number”

2021.08.18.02 Slash Pine Seedlings “Slash Pine is well-adapted to ups and downs in the water table along the Gulf Coast. Plots may sit in standing water or cope with weeks of drought”

2021.08.18.03 Utricularia at Dwarf Cypress “Close up and personal with Utricularia purpurea at Tate’s Hell dwarf cypress swamp”

2021.08.18.04 Monarda punctata “In coastal areas of Tate’s Hell, one encounters large roadside populations of Monarda punctata – color intensity varies, but this is a nice form”

2021.08.19.01 Centrosema and Clitoria “At Pine Log State Forest, we can find and compare scores of flowers of two genera called Butterfy Pea – Centrosema and Clitoria”

2021.08.19.02 Ruellia ciliosa “This humble and hairy Ruellia (with a deep throat) opens upward from the forest floor. Per Wunderlin&Hansen, it’s Ruellia ciliosa.”

2021.08.19.03 Hypericum “One of many native relatives of Europe’s St. John’s Wort, this plant looks to be Hypericum hypericoides – with 4 petals and a short 2-branched style”

2021.08.21.01 Ipomoea imperati boom day “Time to do a literature search on Ipomoea imperati…. Someone must have studied the “autecology” or at least the pollination biology of this neat plant”

2021.08.21.02 Atriplex gone “Atriplex pentandra populated the beaxh, just proud of the high water mark. Practically extirpated by Hurricane Fred, how do storms figure in its popn biology?”

2021.08.21.03 Poison Ivy fall color “Beautiful early fall color in Poison Ivy rampant in tall pines by the bay on St George Island – color revealed with the breaddown of chlorophyll”

2021.08.21.04 UtriculariaUtricularia flowers are “zygomorphic” (strongly bilaterally symmetrical) with a lip that drops down to expose anthers and entry to a shallow nectary.”

2021.08.21.05 Pistia “The lovely Pistia differs vegetatively from it’s other aroid relatives. Though quaint, it becomes an aggressive seasonal pond weed.”

2021.08.22.01 Platanthera chapmanii Ocholochonee “Platanthera chapmanii, again. Fun to encounter populations of rare orchids that expand my understanding of their occurrence and ecologies.”

2021.08.22.02 Oak leaves “Just collecting samples from oaks within two blocks of our home on St George Island yields a a host of ID challenges. Oaks are tough to tie down.”

2021.08.23.01 Eriogonum “A fun encounter with Erioganum tomentosum in the Nature Conservancy managed Garden of Eden, Bristol, Liberty County, Florida”

2021.08.23.02 Tipularia  “The Crane Fly Orchid flowering in first understory at The Garden of Eden – an important Eastern deciduous forest refugium along the Apalachicola River”

2021.08.24.01 Eden Gardens “Given escape from destructive hurricanes, Southern Live Oak creates arching low-canopied domes and hammocks in the coastal Southeast”

2021.08.24.02 Aralia spinosa “Hercules Club, Aralia spinosa, evidences floristic relationships of North Temperate Asia, Europe, and North America”

2021.08.24.03 “Inosculation” Look it up! This is an example (in the plant world) of “inosculation” – no chance a hickory and pine can form a pinhickory, but curious to contemplate”

2021.08.24.04 Elephantopus “A singular and delightful daisy, Elephantopus survives in areas that are mowed by keeping its green leaves down close to the ground”

2021.08.24.05 Bidens “The yellow-flowered Spanish Needles, Bidens bipinnata, resembles Ragweed until the flowers show.”

2021.08.24..06 Ilex opaca dioecious “Hollies, generally, are dioecious – with anther-bearing flowers (male) on one plant and pistil-bearing flowers (female) on separate plants”

2021.08.24.07 Ilex opaca non-glossy “Ilex opaca, American Holly, is similar to the European Ilex, but differs in bearing non-glossy leaves, hence the epithet “opaca” – dulled, shaded.”

2021.08.25.01 Panicum amarum stamens “Rusty orange stamens emerge and dance in the breezes for the late-season flowering of Panicum amarum in dunes in St. George”

2021.08.26.01 Tradescantia pallidaTradescantia pallida, a trailing herb native to Mexico, is a popular informal addition to gardens, most useful as a container plant.”

2021.08.26.02 Asclepias and Papilio “Servied by Papilios and various other butterflies for pollination, Asclepias does double duty as obligate host plant for Monarch butterfly larvae”

2021.08.26.03 Okra and Cotton “Okra and Cotton are Hibiscus relatives that make capsular fruit. Okra is eaten when still green and muscilaginous, while the cotton capsule is picked dry, with “hairy” seed” Cotton trichomes (hairs), also called lint or fibers, are single cells protruding from the seed coat epidermis. Most plant cells are too small to be seen without aid of a microscope, so these trichomes are wonderous exceptions.

2021.08.26.04 Sweet Potato “Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) was introduced from the New World to other tropical regions as part of the “Colombian Exchange””

2021.08.26.05 Chapman “A new garden takes root on the home territory of one of the earliest Southeastern residential botanists Alvan Wentworth Chapman of Apalachicola.”

2021.08.26.06 Mulberry “Morus bombycis leaves are consumed in massive quantities by voracious silkworm caterpillars. Pupae are boiled to unravel the delicate protein fibers”

2021.08.26.07 Passiflora coccinea “Petals as faithful apostles, stamens as wounds, styles as nails – are part of the symbolism ascribed to Passiflora by clergy”

2021.08.26.08 Pecan “Pecan growing where it is happiest. A particular relative of hickory, Carya illinoisensis, pecans have similar seed, each half being a seed leaf”

2021.08.26.09 Callicarpa siting along New Canal, north of Port St. Joe, FL “Mature fruit on Callicarpa americana, from a trip north of Port St. Joe in mid-August”

2021.08.30.01 Ipomoea in Jan’s Garden “Two more Ipomoea species, I. purpurea and I. lacunosa, to add to our explorations. Both are herbaceous vines with similar character to others”

2021.08.20.02 Obedient Plant “Obedient Plant (Physotegia virginiana), a native perennial that should be in any Eastern garden, is a mint (Lamiaceae), with it’s own ‘look’”

2021.08.30.03 Parsley and Black Swallowtail Larvae “Who knew? Italian Parsley (not Cilantro) is preferred by Swallow-tail larvae. Anyone recognize these larvae?”

2021.08.30.04 Zinnias and other Composites “Daisies (sunflowers, zinnias marigolds, etc) are the glories of summer. Some are all rays, some all disk flowers, and some both.”

2021.08.30.05 Basil “Basil plants make ultimate bee flowers, and this plant has been a great pollinator resource for some time – but winter approaches and that relationship is about to end for plant and bee”

2021.08.30.06 Ipomoea up close “Believing this keys to Ipomoea lacunosa, rather than the related Convolvulus (Bindweed). Both will have tubular corollas”

2021.08.30.07 Thunbergia “Thunbergia alata has the trappings of other Acanthaceae, especially large bracts “subtending,” even clasping around the flower”

2021.08.30.08 Perilla “There are green and bronze-leaves forms of Perilla species, and several distinct chemical cultigens grown for various gustatory and medicinal reasons”

2021.08.30.09 Catalpa fruit “Maturing catalpa fruit in Browns Mills, NJ. Each seed is winged with an oval halo of diaphanous tissue, enough to lift in breezes from split fruit”

2021.08.30.10 Quercus alba acorns “White Oak, Quercus alba, is an important timber and “mast” tree in Eastern N. America. The acorn cap scales are knobby”

2021.08.30.11 Celosia “Cresting Celosias in Jan’s garden (Brown’s Mills, NJ). When an apical meristem (normally a point) becomes linear, it “propagates” structure in crest.”

2021.08.30.12 White Pine “The White Pine, recognized by British as a significant resource of the Colonies (particularly for ship masts) became a symbol of revolution”

2021.08.30.13 Mosses “Mosses are true plants that never make seed or pollen or pistils or cones. They reverse our ideas, with haploidy as the dominant life cycle stage”

2021.08.30.14 Reflections “Life in reflection – maples being straightforwardly opposite.”

2021.08.30.15 Epicormic growth “Epicormic sprouts on Pitch Pine evidence a recent change in fortunes, a response to loss of the crown in a heavy snowfall last winter,”

2021.08.30.16 Sassafras leaf “Sassafras – again. For cultural history, check out the Plant Trivia TimeLine in my ebook or website –”

2021.08.31.01 Rhexia in NJ “So alike and yet so different…. Eastern New Jersey boasts Coastal Plain nature, but with a more northerly take, as in this bog”

2021.08.31.02 Nympaea odorata? “Water lilies in New Jersey swamp sites”

2021.08.31.03 Basket oaks “When you fell the leader, this oak becomes a basket case.”

2021.08.31.04 Pinus rigida “Pitch Pine depends on fire for release of seed, opening of habitats for germination, and a boosting dusting of ash as fertilizer.”

2021.08.31.05 Clethra “Almost like it’s been drugged, this bee takes its time working over Clethra flowers along a wet forested edge.”

2021.08.31.06 Curlygrass Fern “A small bog of wonders harbors the curiously distinct Curlygrass Fern, one of the few species of Schizaea, the sole genus in its family”

2021.08.31.07 Cranberries “Northeastern bogs boast many plants not seen in Southeastern wetlands, such as the orchid Arethusa bulbosa and the Ericaceous cranberry.”

2021.08.31.08 New Jersey Shore “Visiting a beach flora a thousand miles away from home, finding the new and the familiar”

2021.08.31.09 Rosa rugosa “When fruiting, the floral cup of Rosa rugosa fully surrounds developing pistils, lending the appearance the hip is a fruit wall”

2021.08.31.10 Strophostyles  “Finding Strophostyles on the Jersey beach, with its twisted keel and handsome trifoliate leaves.”

2021.08.31.11 Rosa rugosa “An Asian native, Rosa rugosa, escapes cultivation to join other beach-adapted imports here on the Jersey shore, known today as the “Beach Rose””

2021.08.31.12 Grassy-leaves goldenrod  “Need ideas about the ID of this diligent and dedicated insect visitor to the Grass-leaved Golden Rod at the pigmy pine site”

2021.08.31.13 Pinus rigida and Pinus echinata at Pigmy Pines “Life and death reproduction in an oddly-dwarfed oak-pine south Jersey ‘forest’“

2021.08.31.14 Quercus marylandica in the Pigmy Pines “A Scrub Blackjack Oak (Quercus marylandica) wins the prize for reproduction this season”

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